I'm Haley.
I'm a 21 year old who loves life and loves people. Because of this, I decided that the best major for me was Communications. The way humans interact and communicate with each other is fascinating to me, and also the way that technology and social media shapes our generation is something that I think will change the way society interacts as a whole.
I love that I have the chance to study this continually changing subject while the changes are taking place in today's world. In a previous class, Television and Media, I really got to dip deeper into the history of telecommunications and how it is currently evolving--that is the class that really made me fall in love with my communications major.
My goals moving forward...
Find a position in the entertainment or media industry.
Explore the phenomenon of why society is so fascinated by everything that is happening in the media and entertainment world.
Have an opportuntiy to receive a behind-the-scenes look into the entertainment world
Grow into a role in that I love in which I could help play a role into how the entertainment world is presented to the general public.